
NX for Manufacturing

Drive efficient end-to-end part manufacturing operations and deliver high-precision parts through digitalization. 

Program CNC machine tools, control robotic cells, drive 3D printers and monitor quality using one software system. Digitally transform your part manufacturing business to gain productivity and increase profitability.

Additive Manufacturing


Siemens NX provides all of the necessary capabilities, from design to print to post-print validation, in a single integrated system.   Siemens NX is industrializing additive manufacturing so you can not the only prototype, but also manufacture ground-breaking products with this exciting new technology.  This allows you to reimagine your products, reinvent your manufacturing and even rethink your business models with additive manufacturing technology.

CAM Software


Program any job using one software. NX CAM provides comprehensive and integrated NC programming capabilities in a single system. This enables the use of consistent 3D models, data and processes to seamlessly connect planning and shop floor operations with a digital thread. 

You can streamline and automate NC programming, while reducing cycle time, using powerful, application-specific tools. From 2.5-axis machining and mold manufacturing, to simultaneous 5-axis milling and high-volume production, NX allows you to use one CAM software to make better parts faster.

Design Tools for Part Manufacturers


NX provides powerful integrated Computer-Aided Design (CAD) that enables seamless manufacturing - from digital part models to finished products.

You can rapidly prepare 3D models for Numerical Control (NC) programming, verify manufacturability, and improve data quality with comprehensive design tools. Associativity to the digital part model links all the operation stages, enabling rapid implementation of design changes. 

By programming using the digital twin of your entire job setup, including the workpiece, fixtures and machine tool, and tooling you eliminate production errors and increase machine uptime.

Part Quality Control


Digitalize your quality control process to meet demanding requirements for product quality and dimensional accuracy. By integrating CMM inspection programming, shop floor execution, and measured data analysis, you can establish an efficient data-driven quality control process. 

This automated, closed-loop solution enables continuous process control, so you can deliver high-quality products and stay competitive.

Robotic Automation


Advanced robotics can improve your productivity by automating your part manufacturing operation - from a blank to a finished part.

Robotic machining provides more flexibility that can dramatically improve efficiency on the shop floor. Using NX CAM, you can program robots to machine large parts and to automate machining tasks typically performed manually. This enables expanded machining capabilities, reduced cycle time, and improved part quality.

With NX, you can also program robots to perform pick-and-place operations, which allows you to drive fully automated workcells.

Tooling & Fixture Design


Automate the entire tool development process including part design, tool assembly layout, and detailed tooling design and validation using advanced NX functionality. With step-by-step guidance and associativity to part designs, you can work with even the most challenging tooling and fixture designs.

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098 7212925 (Sale) / 098 2435137 (Technical)